Franklin's Brewery

Friday, March 30, 2012

Anacostia Ale

The river that spawned a beer, not the first time in history a waterway has influenced brewing. Historically breweries (as many industries) located themselves along rivers to have easy accessibility to water for their day to day uses. Obviously today with water and waste systems in many municipalities its easier to locate a brewery away from your natural resources. That doesn't mean that these natural resources are any less important and we recognize that. Here locally in the D.C. Metro we're very thankful to organizations like the Anacostia Watershed Society.

In the spirit of these efforts we here at Franklin's decided to partner up with AWS and spread the word, by brewing Anacostia Ale in hopes of bringing more attention to protecting and restoring our natural resources is an important issue.

Anacostia Ale is an amber colored ale that starts out with an assertive upfront bitterness that leads into a toasty malt body with a crisp dryness. Very sessionable at just over 5% ABV this ale is brewed with a large percentage of German Munich malts and hopped with Vanguard. Re-pitching yeast from our 10th Anniversary Ale and fermenting cool to help keep this beer clean and minimize fruity esters.

Drink the beer, save the river...or better yet get involved, learn how through the link above. Link

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

10th Anniversary Ale

Wow, ten years! Even though I've only been here the last two years of Franklin's first decade in the brewing industry, I'm extremely happy to be a part of this celebration. Ten years is a great feat for any business and obviously it would have never happened if it wasn't for the loyal friends of Franklin's who grace our front doors on a regular basis. Many people were surprised when I announced that our 10th Anniversary Ale was not some exotic alcohol bomb of a beer. A pale ale may not seem exciting to some, but I felt it was the perfect way to acknowledge what Franklin's is and what we represent. Our roots began with a general store and then snowballed into a brew pub, something that no one could have predicted would happen twenty years ago, let alone become a success and undoubtedly a keystone of the Hyattsville community. Pale ales are meant to be solid easier drinking ales for a wide variety of palates and I feel that sums who many of our supporters are. The difference with this pale ale is that we made it unique, just like a brew pub with a general store attached. This is not an American nor an English pale ale, its a true hybrid, just like we are.

The grist bill started with Weyermann Pilsner and Munich malts,honey malt and biscuit malt. Combining German Tettnang and American Cascade at a equal ration and making hop additions at 90,30 and 0 minutes to provide about 25 IBUs in a 5.3% ABV beer. We used a unique blend of two ale yeasts including a European strain that mellowed the beer out by minimizing the amount of fruity esters, leaving behind a clean beer. After fermentation we dry hopped it with Tettnang and Cascade to complete the circle. Left unfiltered of course despite a lowly flocculant yeast left this beer with a haze from the first to last glass of this batch. The aroma was a combination of earthy spiciness and piney citrus. Medium bodied with touches of bread, sweet malt and balanced by a firm hop bitterness and medium dry finish made this beer an extremely session-able pale ale. Here's to everyone who helped get us here and to another ten years of success.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Brewery Blog Challenge

Let's face it, I've had trouble keeping up with this blog for the last few months and frankly its unacceptable. So I have come up with a way to help me avoid procrastination and stay on top of things, a consequence. I'm issuing a blog challenge to anyone who calls me out publicly if I fail to post anything for more than seven days. The first person to post a comment on my last blog entry calling me out for not posting wins a $50 gift certificate to Franklin's.
